Agliophobia is an extreme fear of pain. Though pain is never really pleasant for anyone and usually people try to avoid feeling pain, this is irrational fear that takes the avoidance too far. The meaning comes from Greek origins, 'algo' means pain and 'phobos', means to dread or to fear. This means that a person with this phobia is terrified to experience any form of perceived pain and is constantly worrying and trying to avoid any type of pain.
This can develop into an array of other related phobias such as Latrophobia, the fear of doctors, Trypanophobia the fear of needles, Nosocomephobia, the fear of hospitals, Hemophobia, the fear of blood, Mysophobia, the fear of germs, Carcinophobia, the fear of cancer, and Thanatophobia, the fear of death.
This can develop into an array of other related phobias such as Latrophobia, the fear of doctors, Trypanophobia the fear of needles, Nosocomephobia, the fear of hospitals, Hemophobia, the fear of blood, Mysophobia, the fear of germs, Carcinophobia, the fear of cancer, and Thanatophobia, the fear of death.
Interesting Fact:
This phobia has many different names including Odynesphobia, Odynephobia, Odynophobia which are also Greek and derived from the word 'odyn' which also means pain.
Agliophobia can be both learned and innate. Some people are born more sensitive than others and their threshold for pain can be incredibly low. This makes every day situations that normal people wouldn't notice at all extremely painful for someone with hypersensitivity. A person with these sort of genetics could easily develop Agliophobia over the constant anxiety of avoiding being in pain. Equally if someone develops a health condition that makes them more hypersensitive or regularly in pain, they might also become Agliophobic.
The other way people develop this phobia, as mentioned, is learned, usually in childhood. If a child watched a parent or friend suffer an injury or a prolonged painful health condition, they could develop a terror of ever being in the same situation.
A child might experience being in a painful accident themselves that causes them a lot of suffering and thus develop Agliophobia. This is especially true if a child is born with health issues and is constantly going to the doctors and hospitals for treatment.
The other way people develop this phobia, as mentioned, is learned, usually in childhood. If a child watched a parent or friend suffer an injury or a prolonged painful health condition, they could develop a terror of ever being in the same situation.
A child might experience being in a painful accident themselves that causes them a lot of suffering and thus develop Agliophobia. This is especially true if a child is born with health issues and is constantly going to the doctors and hospitals for treatment.
People with Agliophobia might be mistaken for other mental health conditions like bipoolar disorder, ADHD , schizophrenia, and other forms of anxiety and depression. They can also become agoraphobic, fearing open spaces outside of their homes to avoid any potential ways of getting injured.
Often, these types of people can become hypochondriacs constantly worried about their health and any illness could perceived as something wrong with them, worrying it will ultimately lead to their suffering.
Someone with Agliophobia could also will avoid going to the doctors or the hospitals in fear of any painful treatment or getting an illness in the hospital environment that might cause them suffering.
Symptoms can include:
People with Agliophobia will show signs of panic attacks when experiencing pain such as shaking, trembling, rapid and shallow breath, crying and screaming, sweating, increased heartbeat, dizziness and nausea.
Often, these types of people can become hypochondriacs constantly worried about their health and any illness could perceived as something wrong with them, worrying it will ultimately lead to their suffering.
Someone with Agliophobia could also will avoid going to the doctors or the hospitals in fear of any painful treatment or getting an illness in the hospital environment that might cause them suffering.
Symptoms can include:
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness
- Screaming
- Hysteria
- Hyperventilating
- Feeling of choking
- Fainting
- Trembling and/or sweating
- Crying
- Nausea or other gastrointestinal distress
People with Agliophobia will show signs of panic attacks when experiencing pain such as shaking, trembling, rapid and shallow breath, crying and screaming, sweating, increased heartbeat, dizziness and nausea.
Why I Should Get Treated:
This phobia is very limiting as virtually anything and every situation could potentially cause pain or be a risk of pain. A person with Agliophobia could see the world with very fearful eyes and limit where they go, who they see and what they do. They could miss out on traveling and seeing friends and family, getting new pets or taking a new job because of perceived risks. They could easily become isolated and housebound and this could lead to serious depression and other mental health concerns. If a person avoids going to the doctors this could mean their own physical health and even life could be at risk so this is a very urgent phobia to treat for a number of reasons!
Why See The Phobia Guru For Treatment:
I am often able to help people break free of their phobia in just one session, using the scientifically proven power of hypnotherapy combined with NLP and an immersive therapy option. My therapy skillfully combines these techniques uniquely to create the most powerful, effective and quickest way to beat a phobia. You will be in the hands of a trained phobia expert who will help you transform your mind and liberate yourself from even the most extreme fears.
Hypnotherapy is so effective with phobias because it tackles the underlying trigger of the phobia within the subconscious. Once a person has access to their subconscious they can eliminate their conditioned response to the stimulus. So instead of treating just the symptoms, hypnotherapy can heal the source for a lasting result. The best part about hypnotherapy and phobias is that often it only takes one session to completely get over the phobia so you do not have to spend a lot of money on continual treatment. The NHS also promotes hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for phobias.
Hypnotherapy is so effective with phobias because it tackles the underlying trigger of the phobia within the subconscious. Once a person has access to their subconscious they can eliminate their conditioned response to the stimulus. So instead of treating just the symptoms, hypnotherapy can heal the source for a lasting result. The best part about hypnotherapy and phobias is that often it only takes one session to completely get over the phobia so you do not have to spend a lot of money on continual treatment. The NHS also promotes hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for phobias.