Hemophobia is the extreme fear of blood. This could mean seeing or being in contact with any kind of blood whether it be the phobic's own or someone else's. The anxiety could also extend to seeing animal's blood as well.
Hemphobia can have many different crossovers with other phobias that can potentially involve blood, such as the fear of injections,(Trypanophobia) fear of hospitals,(Nosocomephobia) the fear of doctors,(Latrophobia) the fear of dentist,(Dentophobia) the fear of pain, (Algophobia) and the fear of death (Thanatophobia).
The meaning of comes from the Greek Word 'haima' which translates to the English word blood and 'phobos', which means to dread or to fear.
Hemphobia can have many different crossovers with other phobias that can potentially involve blood, such as the fear of injections,(Trypanophobia) fear of hospitals,(Nosocomephobia) the fear of doctors,(Latrophobia) the fear of dentist,(Dentophobia) the fear of pain, (Algophobia) and the fear of death (Thanatophobia).
The meaning of comes from the Greek Word 'haima' which translates to the English word blood and 'phobos', which means to dread or to fear.
Interesting Fact:
Haemolacria is a rare medical condition that causes a person to produce tears that contain blood. This means someone with this condition literally looks like they are weeping blood! This would be a nightmare for anyone who has Hemophobia!
When someone bleeds it means the body is injured and that something is wrong. This can cause great stress for some people, especially people with the fear of death (Thanatophobia) pain (Algophobia) and of specific illnesses like cancer.
Someone might also have Mysophobia, the fear of germs, and see blood and open wounds as dirty and contagious. This would lead them to fear excessively of catching a disease and be terrified anytime they bled or someone else did.
Something traumatic might have happened to someone either as a child or an adult where they were injured and bled quite a lot. Or perhaps they saw someone else who was in a serious accident bleeding. This can create a mental trigger for an extreme fear of blood. Like all phobias, Hemophobia can be learned by a parent, sibling or other adult who reacts in a terrified way of blood.
Someone might also have Mysophobia, the fear of germs, and see blood and open wounds as dirty and contagious. This would lead them to fear excessively of catching a disease and be terrified anytime they bled or someone else did.
Something traumatic might have happened to someone either as a child or an adult where they were injured and bled quite a lot. Or perhaps they saw someone else who was in a serious accident bleeding. This can create a mental trigger for an extreme fear of blood. Like all phobias, Hemophobia can be learned by a parent, sibling or other adult who reacts in a terrified way of blood.
Hemophobics will become tense and edgy even talking about blood let alone seeing it.However, the one reaction that is particularly common for hemophobics is fainting. This is because the heart will race then decrease creating a sudden drop in blood pressure which means the brain does not get enough blood momentarily. The person experiencing this will go pale and usually faint.
Symtoms can include:
Someone suffering with anxiety from this phobia might avoid going to the hospital and getting medical treatment because they are too terrified to see blood.
Symtoms can include:
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness
- Hot or cold flashes
- Hysteria
- Chest pain
- Feeling of choking
- Fainting
- Trembling and/or sweating
- Numbness or tingling sensation
- Nausea or other gastrointestinal distress
Someone suffering with anxiety from this phobia might avoid going to the hospital and getting medical treatment because they are too terrified to see blood.
Why Should I Get Treated?
Feeling like you will faint every time you see blood will increase your anxiety and make the likelihood of panic attacks higher. Fainting is not only embarrassing but could be dangerous if you hit yourself whilst falling down.
Sometimes Hemophobics can prevent themselves from getting proper medical treatment if they want to avoid the hospital and injections, so this is another way this phobia can be very disastrous for one's health.
Hemophobia might also prevent what kind of recreation you take part in as the fear of injury might cause too much anxiety. This could then led you to have a more sedentary lifestyle.
Sometimes Hemophobics can prevent themselves from getting proper medical treatment if they want to avoid the hospital and injections, so this is another way this phobia can be very disastrous for one's health.
Hemophobia might also prevent what kind of recreation you take part in as the fear of injury might cause too much anxiety. This could then led you to have a more sedentary lifestyle.
Why See The Phobia Guru For Treatment:
I am often able to help people break free of their phobia in just one session, using the scientifically proven power of hypnotherapy combined with NLP and an immersive therapy option. My therapy skillfully combines these techniques uniquely to create the most powerful, effective and quickest way to beat a phobia. You will be in the hands of a trained phobia expert who will help you transform your mind and liberate yourself from even the most extreme fears.
Hypnotherapy is so effective with phobias because it tackles the underlying trigger of the phobia within the subconscious. Once a person has access to their subconscious they can eliminate their conditioned response to the stimulus. So instead of treating just the symptoms, hypnotherapy can heal the source for a lasting result. The best part about hypnotherapy and phobias is that often it only takes one session to completely get over the phobia so you do not have to spend a lot of money on continual treatment. The NHS also promotes hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for phobias.
If you have a fear of blood phobia and are ready to put that fear in your past then click the button below.
Hypnotherapy is so effective with phobias because it tackles the underlying trigger of the phobia within the subconscious. Once a person has access to their subconscious they can eliminate their conditioned response to the stimulus. So instead of treating just the symptoms, hypnotherapy can heal the source for a lasting result. The best part about hypnotherapy and phobias is that often it only takes one session to completely get over the phobia so you do not have to spend a lot of money on continual treatment. The NHS also promotes hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for phobias.
If you have a fear of blood phobia and are ready to put that fear in your past then click the button below.