Nokia has launched its smartphone, the 9 PureView that features 5 camera lenses, 1 flash and an infrared sensor. The reactions to the 7 ‘holes’ arranged in a cluster have been generally been positive- due to the camera quality. However, those who suffer from Trypophobia are outraged and have expressed their disgust by comparing the phone to a lotus head, a spiders eyes and even a shower head.
NOTE: As this blog is dedicated to bringing awareness and support for people with phobias, there aren't any pictures that could potentially trigger Trypophobes. However, if you want to see what the Nokia 9 PureView looks like, click here.
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We are slowly becoming a technology-based society, we see it hundreds of times a day. Alarms wake us up daily, we ask Alexa to play our favourite songs and we arrange meetings with friends on our smartphones. In a world where the first robot to human marriage is expected before 2050, and well over 2.5 billion people own a smartphone, fears over technology are expected. Keep reading to find out the 5 most common technology fears.
A fear of dying is normal. We don’t know when it will happen, if it will be quick or painful over a long period of time or what even happens to us after death, so it’s understandable. Having an extreme fear/ phobia of death isn’t heathy at all, and it often comes with a bunch of phobias on top. Thanatophobia is such an intense fear for those who suffer from it that they avoid many situations and overthink every situation or place they are in. It should be stated that Thanatophobia, is not the fear of any death but of one’s own death. Harry Potter villain Voldemort is a perfect example of this. Phobias are one of the most common disorders. It is estimated that around 4 out of every 100 people develop a phobia in their lifetime. 10 million of these people reside in the UK alone and a large amount of them are women. Is the reason for this external or are women genetically predisposed to have higher chances of this disorder?
As you have probably heard, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day which either fills you with joy or, let’s say dread. If you hate romcoms, going on dates and soppy love ballads you will hate Valentine’s Day or you could have a bigger problem on your hands. Keep reading to find out if you have a Valentine’s related phobia.
All phobias are irrational. Those with phobias cannot help thinking they are in danger whenever confronted with their fear even if it is harmless for example a puppy will not pose any real threat to anyone. However, there are some phobias that seem ridiculous but are very real. Here are some of the strangest phobias we know of.
Religion for many can be a comfort. However, some people argue that religion is based on fear for the purpose of controlling people to a certain extent. While this is arguable, there are cases where religious fears have struck individuals. These fears can arise from either taking religious scriptures literally or arising doubts about their faith. The following phobias are not exclusive to a religion, they simply are seen mostly in religions.
Anxiety and panic attacks are common accomplices of a phobia. Learning different methods to relax is necessary if you want to cure your phobia. If your mind is calm, it cannot feel fear and anxiety as they are contradicting emotions. It is important to note that you should not depend on these methods to cure your phobia. They are only temporary solutions and you should contact a specialist to guide you through the process.
Here are 6 ways to relax. Feel free to try out as many as you want. You may find one that works best for you. Some will only be able to be applied in a certain location such as your home so having two or three that you know of will be beneficial. Phobias are a well-known disorder and yet many people don’t understand them or how destructive they can be. Some chalk it up to a dramatic trait that loves to exaggerate or that they were just born with the fear installed in them. Here is a list of misconceptions you might have heard about phobias.
The public loves to see stories of the strangest phobias and love it when the person with the phobia is faced with the thing or situation that causes them distress. Although for the rest it can seem light-hearted amusement, phobias can seriously affect people’s lives in many ways. Eventually, it would take its toll emotionally. Here are the most common ways those with phobias are affected emotionally.
AuthorAdam Cox is the founder of Phobia Guru, Hypnoslimming and Addiction Experts. Based in Harley Street. Archives
March 2019
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